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Soulfly - Marc Rizzo's snowball career
At the last show of their European trek, I just had to do an interview with Soulfly. Especially with a new album in the works now and with the upcoming Inflikted (Cavalera Conspiracy) project coming, I thought it was to do ask some questions. My interviewee was the kind Marc Rizzo, who of course offered me a beer during this interview. It�s like he knows me�
So, last day of the tour again, how was it?
�Great, but very short. Like three weeks, not enough. It should be like three months.�
Yeah, you�re getting used to it?
�Yeah man, I love it. I�m addicted to it! I wanna play a show every night.�
I can imagine. A couple of days after this you�re doing the 11th Annual D-Low Memorial show, what can you tell us about that?
�Yeah it should be cool. We�re gonna be there with Soulfly and also it will be the first Inflikted live appearance. It�s gonna be wild!�

So after that it's on to album number six...
�We�re gonna write another Soulfly record, right after the D-Low show. We haven�t even started anything yet, but as soon as we get into the studio we will start working on some ideas. We�re just waiting to get to the studio and jam it out.�
Also Inflikted is coming up, what can you tell us about that. Was it a natural process for the two Cavalera brothers to come back together?
�Yeah it was real natural. I was just in the middle of my solo tour, got the call, ended the tour and went straight to the studio and started writing music. It went pretty quickly and it came out awesome. I think people are really gonna like it, it�s definitely a throwback to the old days. It�s awesome.�
Did you ever dream of getting to play with one of the most legendary metal brothers duo ever?
Yeah it�s pretty intense man. Up till now it has been kind of like a snowball effect with my career. It�s just like one thing after the other. First we got signed with Ill Ni�o, then leaving that band. Signing with Shrapnel with my solo stuff, then Soulfly and now Inflikted, it�s just been one thing after another. It�s been amazing. And it�s a real honour to play with the musicians I grew up listening to of course.�
For the completion of the Inflikted line-up you got the bassist from Gojira. Where did that idea come from?
Uhm, I like Gojira a lot, it�s an amazing band and Jean is a really cool dude. I think Roadrunner purposed to use him and it worked out great. He�s a real talented musician that really added to the sound of the band I think.�

So when can we expect to buy this album?
�Uhm, I�m not too sure, I think somewhere in the beginning of next year. Now the promotional work for it begins of course.�

Can we expect touring from Inflikted as well?
�I think so yeah, I think that�s the plan.�

So is Soulfly gonna be on hold for a while then?
No I think right after we do Inflikted tour we�re gonna go back out and tour with Soulfly. I don�t think that there will be too much touring with Inflikted, we�re gonna jump right back into it with Soulfly. It�s gonna be a busy time, I�ll probably wont be home for six months again.�

Do you think that there will be a complete Sepultura reunion at some point?
�I don�t know, I�d like to see it happen. I never got to see them, I was always away when they came to my town. But I don�t know, it could happen you know.�

You also released your solo album, how is that coming along?
Yeah The Ultimate Devotion is my second album now, and I�m real happy about it. Real excited, I also do some vocals on it, it�s going great. That and some other projects, but it�s hard to do that because I�m always on tour.�

Yeah isn't it hard to find time for your own material?
�No because with Soulfly we occasionally we take some time off, so the minute I have some time off I call my booking agent and they book me a tour. That�s what happened this year, Soulfly took six months off in the beginning of the year, so I immediately went out on a solo tour in America, touring the whole country. So when I�m not on tour with Soulfly I go out on my own.�

When you go on your solo tours, do you see a lot of the same faces you see at Soulfly concerts?
�Yeah there�s a lot of Soulfly fans, but there�s also a lot of kids into stuff like Dream Theater, and fusion type of stuff. Just people who want to watch you play. So it�s a cool mixture of people that want mosh and people that just want to sit there and stare. It�s pretty cool, I kinda like having it this way. And I�m creating a bit of an audience of my own as well.�
With the first interview Metalrage did with you it appeared so as if there was some sort of beef between you and your previous band Ill Ni�o. How has that worked out?
�I think it worked out great. Well, for me it worked out great I�d say, I mean I�m playing in a band with Max now, and now in another one as well, my solo stuff is going great. I guess I have the last laugh. I mean I�m real happy with where I am now. I was a real negative time in that band, for me it was a learning experience as well. For me, and other people as well, if you�re not happy in a situation you should leave, you never know what other opportunities might open. You may close one door, but you never know how many other will open up for you. So here I am with a solo record deal, solo tours, Soulfly and now Inflikted. So it worked out really good.�
So about a year ago there also was some bad news coming from Soulfly, Bobby Burns suffered from a stroke. Is he fine now?
�Yes, he has recovered fine, he�s a hundred times better now.�

But wasn't he a natural choice for Inflikted as well?
�I think Max and everyone at Roadrunner wanted to do something different. I got asked again, but everybody in the band wanted to do something different than Soulfly. So that�s why, I�m surprised I even got asked.�

So there isn't that much tribal and ethnic music to be heard with Inflikted?
Uhm, yeah I would say this is a more straightforward thrash metal record. It isn�t experimental as a Soulfly record, it just thrashing from beginning till the end.�

Have you seen The Simpsons movie yet?
No I haven�t, I don�t watch that. But I really don�t watch that much TV. I�m addicted to the History Channel though, if I watch anything it�s that or Discovery.�
Okay, no questions about The Simpsons then. Do you have anything to add to this interview?
�Yes of course a big thank you to all the fans for the years of support! And thank you for the interview!�
Yeah thank you too!